WCC Logos

7:45 a.m. - Check In 
8:00 a.m. - Welcome

8:05 a.m. - Large Group Session: Battling Burnout by Managing Your Time and Stress

Making a commitment to the children & families in your program requires hard work!  This training focuses on ways to prevent burnout: managing your time, creating a positive work atmosphere, avoiding procrastination and recognizing stressors.  Included here are great ideas for implementing the change you need to win the battle against burnout!

 10:00 a.m. - Breakout Session 1 

  • Session A: The Art of Getting Along with Others

Can we really classify people according to their temperaments?  Human behavior is complex and unpredictable. Having knowledge about temperament types and the behaviors associated with them can help employees appreciate their differences.  This class explores temperament types, the behaviors associated with each and ways to cope with each others’ personalities.

  • Session B: Care & Concern for Children in Crisis

When crisis comes into the lives of the children you care for, what is the right thing to say?  What is the right thing to do?  This class will focus on what to say, what not to say and how to provide care for children in a crisis.  Discussion will include life events such as moving, death, terminal illness, sudden loss of a parent, deployment, abuse/addiction, divorce, etc.

  • Session C: Scream Your Theme!

This class presents early childhood professionals with ways to integrate a weekly theme into their program.  Emphasis is placed upon choosing age appropriate themes for children, planning theme-related activities & enrichments for all learning centers and creating bulletin boards which teach & reflect your theme.

12:15 p.m. - Lunch

12:45 p.m. - Breakout Session 2

  • Session A: I’m So Angry!  Helping Children Identify & Manage Their Angry Feelings

In today’s world, learning to cope with angry feelings in a positive way may be one of the most important tools to give a child.  This class will share information on how to help children identify their feelings and will equip participants with activities for use in helping children learn to express and deal with their anger in a positive way.

  • Session B: Sensory Play - More Than the Sand Table

Young children learn through their senses.  In this session, teachers will learn about the “7” senses and the value of sensory play.  Introductory information is presented on sensory processing disorders and sensory integration dysfunction in children.  Other topics include potential safety issues, how to prevent accidents during sensory play, and many activities or suggestions for activities.

  • Session C: Understanding & Working with Sensory Processing Disorders

Children with sensory processing disorders (SPD’s) need providers who understand their condition.  This session is based on current research in SPD’s and provides participants with valuable insight into the signs of, behaviors associated with, activity planning for, and environmental considerations for Sensory Processing Disorders.

3:00 p.m. Large Group Session: Addressing Challenging Behaviors in Young Children

Effective approaches for addressing challenging behaviors are necessary for the development of children’s social skills.  These approaches may include knowledge of child development, strategies for implementation and an acceptance of differences in families and children.  This session will focus on approaching challenging behaviors in ways that can help to reduce these behaviors by supporting children as they develop social skills.

5:00 p.m. Door Prize & Goodbye




8 CEUs - certificate will be provided

Cancellation Policy

An attendee must notify NTC of a cancellation prior to the beginning of the event in order to have fees removed or a refund issued. Attendees who do not attend without notifying Continuing Education will be responsible for payment of all course fees and will not be eligible for a refund.