The Timberwolf community has always been incredibly generous and service minded. With the fall semester completed and several weeks before new classes begin, now is a great time for giving.

Ideas for Service:

  • Shop for non-perishable food items for Timberwolf Table or another food pantry. 
  • Check out Love for Our Elders, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting loneliness with love among senior communities. Write a letter or two (or even more!) 
  • Donate time to your local humane society. Call in advance to determine needs and availability.
  • Create holiday ornaments for Operation Ornaments to support survivors of natural disasters.
  • Contact nursing homes and assisted living centers to arrange for a visit. Read with elders, play games, and more.
  • Donate high needs items (such as personal hygiene products, school supplies, specific clothing items and more) to service organizations such as Wausau Salvation ArmyThe Women’s Community, and Community Partners Campus.
  • Visit our Campus News for a weekly updated list of high-demand volunteer opportunities and donation needs. 
  • Check out the variety of options available through United Way via their Volunteer Connection.