We recognize that you may not always be able to attend classes in person. That’s why we are making higher education more accessible to students through NTC Connect, allowing you to choose the delivery mode that fits your preference and your schedule.

Students enrolled in NTC Connect courses can choose the way they attend each class on a day to day or week by week basis – for example, you might attend the first class meeting face to face, the second class meeting via Zoom and work on coursework for the third class meeting online.

Face to Face

Enjoy the traditional classroom experience live on campus with your instructor and fellow students. 


Can’t make it to campus or just want to stay in your pajamas? Join your class synchronously from your computer or mobile device through Zoom. 


Did something come up and you can't attend class live? You can join your class online when it’s convenient for you through recorded content, online learning activities and assessments.

Ready to make the transition to NTC Connect courses?

Get started today and be on your way to a customized educational experience. And with the lowest tuition in the area, you can save money while completing the courses you need for your degree.

Some of the general education courses offered through NTC Connect include:

For a full listing of NTC Connect courses, browse our class search.

*Please note that not all courses are offered in an NTC Connect format every semester.