The grading policy for each instructor will be given to students at the start of class. Grades can be viewed in Workday and following the instructions listed. If there are errors on the grade report, please report them to the Student Records office immediately. If a student has questions about a specific grade, students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the instructor for that class.

Phone: 715.803.1023

Letter Grades

Letter Grade Description Point Value
A Excellent: Course requirements met at highest-attainable level. 4.00
A-   3.67
B+   3.33
B Above Average: Course requirements met at above-average level. 3.00
B-   2.67
C+   2.33
C Average: Course requirements met at average level. 2.00
D Below Average: Course requirements met at below-average level. 1.00
F Failure to meet course requirements (last date of attendance is required). 0.00

Other Grades

Grade Description
NS No show. Student never attended class (or never officially withdrew from the course). Faculty enter this grade within the first 10% of the class. Students should contact their program advisor right away after a NS grade has been entered to discuss potential for partial refund or the potential for class reinstatement if desired. Students with NS grades are responsible for all course tuition and fees.
S Satisfactory participation in a credit, continuing education or Learning Center course. A grade of “S” in an Associate Degree/Diploma is the equivalent of a “C” or better. Only classes set up as either pass or fail are graded using this grade.
U Unsatisfactory participation in a credit, continuing education or Learning Center course. Only classes set up as either pass or fail are graded using this grade (last date of attendance is required).
AU Auditing a course. Course is not part of the student’s credit load or financial aid. In accordance with WTCS directives, students auditing a course must pay full tuition and fees for the course. Students may enroll to audit a course (Audit form) within the first two weeks of the class start date with the approval of the instructor. Audits are open on a space-available basis.
I Incomplete Grade. For coursework not completed due to extenuating circumstances over which the student has little of no control, instructors may, in cases they deem appropriate, agree to accept a student’s work up to 30 days after the course has ended. The instructor can require a shorter deadline if desired. The instructor and student should complete the Incomplete Coursework form and submit the form to the Registrar’s office. The instructor should issue/enter the “I” grade at the end of the semester along with student’s last date of attendance.

Upon evaluation of work submitted after the last day of class, the instructor should submit a grade change request for the student. Students should have completed a substantial portion of their semester course work prior to receiving an extension. If the student does not complete the course requirements by the agreed upon or extended deadline a “F” grade will be automatically entered after the 30 day period has ended.