The Northcentral Technical College community is committed to fostering a campus environment that is conducive to academic inquiry, a productive campus life and thoughtful study and discourse. The student conduct program within the Office of Student Conduct is committed to an educational and developmental process that balances the interests of individual students with the interests of the Northcentral Technical College community.
A community exists on the basis of shared values and principles. At Northcentral Technical College, student members of the community are expected to uphold and abide by certain standards of conduct that form the basis of the Code of Student Conduct. These standards are embodied within a set of core values that include integrity, social justice, respect, community, and responsibility.
Each member of the Northcentral Technical College community bears responsibility for their conduct and to assume reasonable responsibility for the behavior of others. When members of the community fail to exemplify these five values by engaging in violation of the rules below, campus conduct proceedings are used to assert and uphold the Code of Student Conduct.
The Code of Student Conduct applies to behaviors that take place on the campus, at Northcentral Technical College-sponsored events and may also apply off-campus when the Director of Student Development or designee determines that the off-campus conduct affects a substantial Northcentral Technical College interest.1 A substantial Northcentral Technical College interest is defined to include:
- Any situation where it appears that the student’s conduct may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of him/herself or others; and/or
- Any situation that significantly impinges upon the rights, property or achievements of self or others or significantly breaches the peace and/or causes social disorder; and/or
- Any situation that is detrimental to the educational mission and/or interests of the Northcentral Technical College;
The Code of Student Conduct may be applied to behavior conducted online, via email or other electronic medium. Students should also be aware that online postings such as blogs, web postings, chats and social networking sites are in the public sphere and are not private. These postings can subject a student to allegations of conduct violations if evidence of policy violations is posted online. Northcentral Technical College does not regularly search for this information but may take action if and when such information is brought to the attention of Northcentral Technical College officials. However, most online speech by students not involving College/College networks or technology will be protected as free expression and not subject to this Code, with two notable exceptions:
- A true threat, defined as “a threat a reasonable person would interpret as a serious expression of intent to inflict bodily harm upon specific individuals”;
- Speech posted online about the Northcentral Technical College or its community members that causes a significant on-campus disruption.
The Code of Student Conduct applies to guests of community members whose hosts may be held accountable for the misconduct of their guests. The Code may also be applied to resident non-students, campers and high school bridge/extension/partner/dual-credit and continuing education programs by contractual agreements. Visitors to and guests of Northcentral Technical College may seek resolution of violations of the Code of Student Conduct committed against them by members of Northcentral Technical College community.
The Northcentral Technical College Code of Student Conduct is adapted from The NCHERM Group Model Developmental Code of Student Conduct and is used here with permission.
Core Values and Behavioral Expectations
Northcentral Technical College considers the behavior described in the following sub-sections as inappropriate for the Northcentral Technical College community and in opposition to the core values set forth in this document. These expectations and rules apply to all students. Northcentral Technical College encourages community members to report to Northcentral Technical College officials all incidents that involve the following actions. Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit the following misconduct is subject to the sanctions outlined in NTC’s Due Process for students, found here: Code of Conduct/Student Due Process.
- Falsification. Knowingly furnishing or possessing false, falsified or forged materials, documents, accounts, records, identification or financial instruments;
- Academic Dishonesty. Acts of academic dishonesty as outlined by the College;
- Unauthorized Access. Unauthorized access to any Northcentral Technical College building (i.e. keys, cards, etc.) or unauthorized possession, duplication or use of means of access to any college building or failing to timely report a lost Northcentral Technical College identification card or key;
- Collusion. Action or inaction with another or others to violate the Code of Student Conduct;
- Trust. Violations of positions of trust within the community;
- Election Tampering. Tampering with the election of any Northcentral Technical College-recognized student organization (minor election code violations are addressed by Student Life);
- Taking of Property. Intentional and unauthorized taking of Northcentral Technical College property or the personal property of another, including goods, services and other valuables;
- Stolen Property. Knowingly taking or maintaining possession of stolen property;
- Disruptive Behavior. Substantial disruption of Northcentral Technical College operations including obstruction of teaching, research, administration, other Northcentral Technical College activities, and/or other authorized non-Northcentral Technical College activities which occur on campus;
- Abuse of College Staff/Resources. Continued, willful disobedience, persistent defiance and abuse of College personnel requiring inordinate drains on staff time, resources, and supervision.
- Rioting. Causing, inciting or participating in any disturbance that presents a clear and present danger to self or others, causes physical harm to others, or damage and/or destruction of property;
- Unauthorized Entry. Misuse of access privileges to Northcentral Technical College premises or unauthorized entry to or use of buildings, including trespassing, propping or unauthorized use of alarmed doors for entry into or exit from a Northcentral Technical College building;
- Trademark. Unauthorized use (including misuse) of Northcentral Technical College or organizational names and images;
- Damage and Destruction. Intentional, reckless and/or unauthorized damage to or destruction of Northcentral Technical College property or the personal property of another;
- IT and Acceptable Use. Violating the Northcentral Technical College Acceptable Use and Computing Policy, found online at: https://www.ntc.edu/policies/computer-use
- Gambling. Gambling as prohibited by the laws of the State of Wisconsin. Gambling may include raffles, lotteries, sports pools and online betting activities;
- Weapons. Possession, use, or distribution of explosives (including fireworks and ammunition), guns (including air, BB, paintball, facsimile weapons and pellet guns), or other weapons or dangerous objects such as arrows, axes, machetes, nun chucks, throwing stars, or knives with a blade of longer than 2.5 inches, including the storage of any item that falls within the category of a weapon in a vehicle parked on Northcentral Technical College property;2
- Tobacco. Smoking, vaping, or tobacco use in any area of campus where such use is prohibited;
- Fire Safety. Violation of local, state, federal or campus fire policies including, but not limited to:
a) Intentionally or recklessly causing a fire which damages Northcentral Technical College or personal property or which causes injury.
b) Failure to evacuate a Northcentral Technical College-controlled building during a fire alarm;
c) Improper use of Northcentral Technical College fire safety equipment; or
d) Tampering with or improperly engaging a fire alarm or fire detection/control equipment while on Northcentral Technical College property. Such action may result in a local fine in addition to Northcentral Technical College sanctions; - Ineligible Pledging or Association. Pledging or associating with a student organization without having met eligibility requirements established by the College;
- Animals. Animals, with the exception of animals that fall under NTC’s Service Animal Guideline are not permitted on campus;
- Wheeled Devices. Skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, bicycles and similar wheeled devices are not permitted inside College buildings. Additionally, skateboards and other wheeled items may not be ridden on railings, curbs, benches, or any such fixtures that may be damaged by these activities, and individuals may be liable for damage to Northcentral Technical College property caused by these activities.
- Discrimination. Any act or failure to act that is based upon an individual or group’s actual or perceived status (sex, gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, pregnancy status, religion, or sexual orientation, or other protected status) that is sufficiently severe that it limits or denies the ability to participate in or benefit from the Northcentral Technical College’s educational program or activities.
- [Unwelcome] Harassment. Any unwelcome conduct based on actual or perceived status including: sex, gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, pregnancy status, religion, sexual orientation or other protected status. Any unwelcome conduct should be reported to campus officials, who will act to remedy and resolve reported incidents on behalf of the victim and community.
a) Hostile Environment. Sanctions can and will be imposed for the creation of a hostile environment only when [unwelcome] harassment is sufficiently severe, pervasive (or persistent) and objectively offensive that it unreasonably interferes with, limits or denies the ability to participate in or benefit from the Northcentral Technical College’s educational or employment program or activities.3 - Retaliatory Discrimination or Harassment. Any intentional, adverse action taken by an responding individual or allied third party, absent legitimate nondiscriminatory purposes, against a participant or supporter of a participant in a civil rights grievance proceeding or other protected activity under this Code.
- Bystanding.
a) Complicity with or failure of any student to appropriately address known or obvious violations of the Code of Student Conduct or law;
b) Complicity with or failure of any organized group to appropriately address known or obvious violations of the Code of Student Conduct or law by its members. - Abuse of Conduct Process. Abuse or interference with, or failure to comply in, Northcentral Technical College processes including conduct and academic integrity hearings including, but not limited to:
a) Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information;
b) Failure to provide, destroying or concealing information during an investigation of an alleged policy violation;
c) Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the campus conduct system;
d) Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a campus conduct body prior to, during, and/or following a campus conduct proceeding;
e) Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed by the campus conduct system;
f) Influencing, or attempting to influence, another person to commit an abuse of the campus conduct system. - Harm to Persons. Intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm or endangering the health or safety of any person.
- Threatening Behaviors:
a) Threat. Written or verbal conduct that causes a reasonable expectation of injury to the health or safety of any person or damage to any property.
b) Intimidation. Intimidation defined as implied threats or acts that cause a reasonable fear of harm in another. - Bullying and Cyberbullying. Bullying and cyberbullying are repeated and/or severe aggressive behaviors that intimidate or intentionally harm or control another person physically or emotionally, and are not protected by freedom of expression.
- Hazing. Defined as an act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or that destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. Participation or cooperation by the person(s) being hazed does not excuse the violation. Failing to intervene to prevent and/or failing to discourage and/or failing to report those acts may also violate this policy;
- Intimate Partner/Relationship Violence. Violence or abuse by a person in an intimate relationship with another;
- Stalking. Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that is unwelcome and would cause a reasonable person to feel fear;
- Sexual Misconduct. Includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual intercourse, and/or sexual exploitation;
- Public Exposure. Includes deliberately and publicly exposing one’s intimate body parts, public urination, defecation, and public sex acts;
- Alcohol. Use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or paraphernalia except as expressly permitted by law and the Northcentral Technical College’s Alcohol Policy;
- Drugs. Use, possession or distribution of illegal drugs and other controlled substances or drug paraphernalia except as expressly permitted by law and the Northcentral Technical College’s Drug Policy;
- Prescription Medications. Abuse, misuse, sale, or distribution of prescription or over-the-counter medications;
- Failure to Comply. Failure to comply with the reasonable directives of Northcentral Technical College officials or law enforcement officers during the performance of their duties and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so;
- Financial Responsibilities. Failure to promptly meet financial responsibilities to the institution, including, but not limited to; knowingly passing a worthless check or money order in payment to the institution or to an official of the institution acting in an official capacity;
- Other Policies. Violating other published Northcentral Technical College policies or rules;
- Health and Safety. Creation of health and/or safety hazards (dangerous pranks, hanging out of or climbing from/on/in windows, balconies, roofs, etc.);
- Violations of Law. Evidence of violation of local, state or federal laws, when substantiated through the Northcentral Technical College’s conduct process;
1 Adapted, with gratitude, from Penn State College.
2 Subject, of course, to statutorily conveyed rights to carry/possess weapons on campus and/or in locked vehicles on campus.
3 This policy attempts to balance the need of the community to create a civil climate while also embracing the 1st Amendment protection that attaches to most harassing speech that is simply offensive.