Title IX: Pregnant and Parenting Students
Under Title IX, it is illegal for colleges to exclude a pregnant student from participating in any part of an educational program. Northcentral Technical College (NTC) is committed to the fundamental academic principles of equity by providing all students with equitable access to the college’s programs, services, events, and staff development activities. NTC will achieve this goal by endorsing a guideline for pregnant and parenting students. This guideline supports students that may have restrictions/limitations due to a pregnancy or birth of a child.
Responsibilities of NTC Student:
As soon as a student is aware of limitations/restrictions that may require absences or accommodations due to pregnancy or the birth of a child, a student is encouraged to start the process of applying for Title IX: Pregnant and Parenting Students by following the steps outlined below:
- The student must submit an Accommodation Application Request Form to NTC Center for Access & Accommodations in order to request pregnancy/maternity leave accommodations. It is recommended that the student apply as soon as she knows she is pregnant.
- Students must have a doctor complete the medical form and submit to NTC Center for Access & Accommodations.
- If the student has specific limitations/restrictions due to a pregnancy or birth of a child then the student will meet with Access & Accommodations Staff to determine reasonable accommodations.
- The student should discuss the accommodation plan with instructors to develop a plan to complete the course work. If it is determined that as part of the plan that an incomplete will be issued, the student and instructor will complete the incomplete paperwork. A copy of the plan for completion will be provided to the Center for Access & Accommodations.
For more information regarding the accommodation process for Title IX Pregnant and Parenting Students, please contact Access & Accommodations at access@ntc.edu or 715.803.1469.