Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
Federal regulations require that students receiving federal financial aid must make satisfactory academic progress in order to maintain financial aid eligibility. This policy applies to ALL periods of enrollment, whether or not the student previously received financial aid. In accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, the Financial Aid Office at NTC has established the following policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (Qualitative Measure of Progress)
Grade Point Average (GPA): Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
Completion Rate - Quantitative Measure of Progress (PACE)
Completion Rate: Students are required to maintain an overall completion rate of 67%. The completion rate is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of credits successfully completed by the cumulative number of credits attempted. Attempted credits include any transfer credits accepted and all credits taken at NTC regardless of whether the student received financial aid or not. Successful completion of credits include those earned with an A, B, C, or S. The following grades are used in computing the percentage of course work completed: A, B, C, D, F, NS, W, WCV, I, S, U, and TR. Unsatisfactory grades can be replaced by retaking a course; however, any forgiven grade will still be counted toward the quantitative and qualitative SAP calculations. Grades of AU (audit) are not used in computing the percentage of coursework completed, nor do they count towards GPA.
Incomplete grades (I grades) will be counted as successful for calculating the completion rate (quantitative standard) of Satisfactory Academic Progress until such a time that a final grade is issued. *Note: Incompletes do not contribute toward GPA and will impact the qualitative standard of satisfactory academic progress and should be completed as soon as possible.
Maximum Time Frame
Students are expected to complete their degree/diploma program within a maximum time frame for financial aid purposes. Federal regulations stipulate that the maximum time frame is 150% of the published credit requirement of each eligible program. Students are only eligible to receive financial aid until their cumulative attempted credits plus any transfer credits accepted equals 150% of the required credits for their degree/diploma. Once a student has reached the maximum time frame they are no longer eligible to receive financial aid. Credits are counted starting with the semester the student began their primary program of study and includes those semesters for which financial aid was not received. Students who reach the maximum time frame are immediately suspended from financial aid eligibility.
Program | Credits Required for Graduation | Maximum Credits (including transfer credits) |
Accounting | 62 | 93 |
Machine Tool Operation | 30 | 45 |
Immediate Suspension of Financial Aid
If at any point in time the Financial Aid Office determines that the student cannot complete their program within the 150% timeframe, the student will be immediately suspended from future financial aid for the remainder of their program, even if currently meeting the SAP standards.
Students suspended from financial aid may submit an appeal to have their financial aid reinstated by completing the appropriate Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form and related steps. See below under Appeal Forms.
Evaluation Period
NTC evaluates SAP progress at the end of each semester or term (fall, spring and summer). Grades entered as of the established grading date for each semester will be used to calculate SAP. Missing grades will count as unsuccessful completion, unless students notify the Financial Aid Office after missing grades are entered for the basis of having SAP reevaluated. If a student is granted an extension (I grade) and a grade is changed, SAP status will be reevaluated at the time of the next SAP evaluation period (at the end of the next term (payment period).
Students are notified through their NTC email of their warning status or of their suspension status at the end of each semester. Students who appeal their ineligibility will be notified of the outcome through their NTC email.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Status
Students who fail to meet the grade point average and/or the completion percentage standards will be placed on Financial Aid Warning. Students placed on Financial Aid Warning are eligible to receive financial aid for one additional semester, at which time they must be meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
Students on Warning who do not meet SAP standards are placed on Suspension. Suspended students are not eligible to receive financial aid until an appeal is approved or SAP standards are met.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards NOT MET | 1st semester | 2nd semester |
Earn less than a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A. (Qualitative) | Warning | Suspension |
Earn less than 67% cumulative completion rate (Quantitative) | Warning | Suspension |
Exceed the allowed number of credits for primary program of study attempted during college career by 150% or more (varies by program) | Suspension | Suspension |
Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility and Appeal Process
Students suspended from financial aid eligibility may regain eligibility for financial aid by enrolling at their own expense and attaining the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. This may require enrollment in multiple semesters. Students return to good standing only after achieving a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and a cumulative completion rate of two-thirds (67%) of all credit hours attempted. After meeting these standards, the student is no longer on Suspension and is eligible to receive financial aid.
Suspended students may also regain financial aid eligibility if a Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal is approved. Students who have appeals approved will again lose financial aid eligibility if they are not meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Process
The Financial Aid Office will notify students through their student NTC email following the end of a semester they were enrolled, if they have been placed on Financial Aid Warning or Suspension. A student on Suspension may request consideration for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility through a formal appeal process. A student who believes their Financial Aid Suspension is due to extenuating circumstances beyond their control has 30 calendar days from the date of the Financial Aid Suspension email notification to submit an Appeal. If received after 30 days, the appeal will be denied.
The Financial Aid SAP Appeal Committee will review the appeal. If the appeal is submitted before the deadline, the student will receive notification of the decision within 14 business days of receiving all required documentation through his or her student email account. If approved, the student will be placed on "Probation" and is aid eligible. If the appeal is denied, the student will not be eligible for financial aid until he/she is able to meet SAP. The Committee's decision is final. Students whose appeal has been denied must enroll in, pay for and successfully complete a minimum of 6 credits. If a student whose appeal has been denied pays for a minimum of 6 credits and passes all courses with a "C" or better, they may submit an appeal for reinstatement the following semester and receive any financial aid they are eligible for based on the results of their FAFSA application. Aid will not be awarded retroactively for a prior term in which financial aid eligibility was suspended or during which satisfactory progress was not made.
Please note: at the discretion of the Financial Aid Office a requirement of the appeal process may be waived or a substitution allowed if there is an acceptable reason as to why a requirement cannot be met.
Appeal Forms
In Workday, the SAP appeal form is called the Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Questionnaire. The questionnaire must be completed no later than 30 calendar days of the date of your Satisfactory Academic Progress status email notification from the Financial Aid Office.
Complete all steps and attach required documentation. SAP statuses are reviewed at the end of each term of enrollment, including summer. An email notification will be sent to NTC student email informing students of their SAP status if they failed to meet the SAP standards described above. Students may also check their SAP status in their Workday account.
Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Questionnaire
This questionnaire is used for most SAP appeals. For students appealing to have their financial aid eligibility reinstated for the next semester following their SAP suspension, appeals must be received within 30 days of receiving your SAP status notification. If you are appealing to have your financial aid eligibility reinstated for a future semester, please submit your appeal before the start of the semester.
- Step One: complete the Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Questionnaire in Workday.
- Step Two: submit a personal statement. Explain the extenuating circumstance(s) that prevented you from meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards and what has changed to allow you to meet SAP standards at the next evaluation period.
- Examples of extenuating circumstances includes, but is not limited to, surgery/hospitalization, mental health issues, dental emergency, child’s medical condition, daycare issues, death of a loved one, eviction, assault/domestic abuse, or other circumstance that caused undue hardship.
- Step Three: provide third party documentation. Provide third party documentation on professional letterhead to support your appeal. A third party is someone not related (clergy, social worker, case worker, counselor, doctor) who is familiar with your situation and can support the reason for the appeal.
- Step Four: schedule appointment with Student Success Advisor. Set up an appointment to meet with your Student Success Advisor only after receiving the results of your appeal. An Academic Plan for your next semester of enrollment will be developed during this meeting.
- Step Five: Enroll in and Successfully Complete Financial Aid Course - You are required to enroll in and successfully complete the Financial Aid Course #77862788 before an appeal can be approved.
Financial Aid Appeal Questionnaire (Short Form)
This appeal questionnaire is available to students flagged for SAP Suspension resulting from a shortfall in meeting the cumulative completion and GPA minimum requirements following a successful semester (completed all of their courses with a "C" grade or better and did not withdraw from any courses attempted).
Students may complete the Financial Aid Appeal (Short Form) only if they meet TWO of the four circumstances listed below:
- I was on financial aid Warning.
- I was on financial aid Probation after having appealed their last SAP Suspension and have already created a Student Success Plan (SSP) with their Academic Advisor.
- I was on financial aid Suspension but paid for and successfully completed a minimum of 6 credits.
- I successfully completed all attempted classes with grade(s) of "C" or better during my most recent semester: Summer, Fall, or Spring.
Maximum Timeframe Extension Appeal Process
Students who do not meet the maximum eligibility timeframe requirement may re-establish financial aid eligibility by appealing for an extension. Students will need to complete the 150% Maximum Eligibility Timeframe appeal. If an appeal is approved, coursework will be limited to courses required for the completion of the program. In addition, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and successfully complete all courses listed on their academic plan. Failure to meet the requirements of the approved timeframe appeal will result in suspension of financial aid eligibility.
Appeals may result in any one of the following actions:
- Reinstatement on Probation
- Reinstatement on Probation whereby the student will be held to specific requirements
- Denial of reinstatement
Additional Elements
Treatment of Grades
Attempted-Not Earned Credits
Letter grades of D, F, U, NS (No Show), or W (withdrawal) are counted as credits attempted but not successfully completed.
Attempted-Earned Credits
Letter grades of A, B, C, and S count as completed credits.
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades (I grades) will be counted as successful for calculating the completion rate (quantitative standard) of Satisfactory Academic Progress until such a time that a final grade is issued. *Note: Incompletes do not contribute toward GPA and will impact the qualitative standard of satisfactory academic progress and should be completed as soon as possible.
Audited Courses
Audited credits are not financial aid eligible and are excluded from academic progress calculations.
Consortium Credits
Consortium credits are included in financial aid academic progress calculations.
Remedial Credits
Students may receive financial aid for up to 30 remedial credits. These credits are included in academic progress calculations. A maximum of 30 remedial credits can be excluded from the maximum timeframe calculation.
Repeated Credits
Students may repeat a class once to review course material or improve a grade. Repeated credits are included in the completion rate and maximum timeframe calculations. All grades remain on the transcript. Only the most recent grade recorded is included in the GPA calculation.
Transfer Credits
Transfer credits (earned at another college and accepted by NTC) are excluded from the GPA calculation, but included in the completion rate and maximum time frame calculations.
A W is assigned when a student withdraws from a class after the drop period for the semester has ended. W grades are considered attempted but not successfully completed credits. Grades of W do not impact the GPA calculation, but do negatively impact the completion rate and the maximum timeframe calculations.
Program Changes
Change in Program
Students who are in compliance with NTC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy may change their program of study and remain eligible for financial aid. The maximum time frame for financial aid will include all credits the student has attempted including those not applicable to the new program.
Additional Program of Study
A student that has completed a degree or diploma program may be eligible for additional financial aid to complete another program of study. The maximum timeframe will still apply and students may need to submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal to the Financial Aid Office.