Post Secondary

Prepares student dental hygienists to counsel patients about diet and its impact on oral health. Students learn to distinguish between balanced and unbalanced diets and to construct diets that meet the needs of patients with compromised dental/oral health. Students also learn to counsel patients about the effect of eating disorders on dental health.

Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): SCIENCE 10806186 - Intro To Biochemistry with grade greater than or equal to C (Post Secondary Grading Scheme).] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Dental Hygienist]

Availability & Registration

We offer the following class sections for this course (10-508-110). View more class specific details and registration information by selecting a class number.

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