Post Secondary

This course focuses on topics related to health promotion for individuals and families throughout the lifespan. We will cover nursing care of the developing family, which includes reproductive issues, pregnancy, labor and delivery, post-partum, the newborn, and the child. Recognizing the spectrum of healthy families we will discern patterns associated with adaptive and maladaptive behaviors applying mental health principles. An emphasis is placed on teaching and supporting healthy lifestyles choices for individuals of all ages. Nutrition, exercise, stress management, empowerment, and risk reduction practices are highlighted. Study of the family will cover dynamics, functions, discipline styles, and stages of development.

Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed all of the following course(s): NURSING 10543101 - Nursing Fundamentals, NURSING 10543102 - Nursing Skills, NURSING 10543103 - Nursing Pharmacology, NURSING 10543104 - Nursing Intro Clinical Practic, SOCSCI 10809188 - Developmental Psychology] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Nursing]

Availability & Registration

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