The Substance Use Disorder Counseling Associate Degree is a 65 Credit program. The following is a typical semester breakdown of the courses within the program.

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College 101 (10890165)


Examines proven strategies designed to help learners achieve greater personal, academic, and professional success. Learners will apply personal responsibility thinking and behaviors; self- management, awareness, and motivation strategies; as well as interdependence skills to develop a proactive life plan.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Introduction To Human Services (10520101)


Examine the evolution of the human services field. Distinguish the various types of human service agencies and occupations available in the field. Demonstrate the qualities of the field professionals. Assess boundaries and ethical issues commonly found in the human services professions. Apply reflective practitioner methods.

Intro To Interviewing & Counseling Skills (10550206)


Analyze foundational skills in the counseling relationship. Analyze the stages of the helping processes and the roles professionals play in the processes. Analyze the importance of establishing therapeutic relationships. Apply basic counseling techniques. Apply interviewing and counseling skills through mock counseling sessions and personal experience reflections. Examine issues of boundaries and ethics.


Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): HUMAN 10520101 - Introduction To Human Services with grade greater than or equal to C (Post Secondary Grading Scheme).

NTC Assessments Offered:

Boundaries & Ethics - Helping Professions (10550210)


Evaluate the ethical codes of the helping professions. Examine professional boundaries related to the helping professions. Incorporate ethical standards into decision making processes. Examine ethical considerations related to professional standards for the helping professions. Examine ethical considerations related to state and federal regulations for the helping professions. Examine the ethical considerations related to professional self-care.

Written Communication (10801195)


Develops writing skills which include prewriting, drafting, revising and editing. A variety of writing assignments are designed to help the learner analyze audience and purpose, research and organize ideas and format and design documents based on subject matter and content. Also develops critical reading and thinking skills through the analysis of a variety of written documents. Keywords: Written Comm, Comm, Writing

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® College Composition
  • AP English Language & Composition

English Composition 1 (10801136)


Learners develop and apply skills in all aspects of the writing process. Through a variety of learning activities and written documents, learners employ rhetorical strategies, plan, organize and revise content, apply critical reading strategies, locate and evaluate information, integrate and document sources, and apply standardized English language conventions.Keywords:English Comp, Comp 1, E Com, English 1, English

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® College Composition
  • AP English Language & Composition

Intro To Psychology (10809198)


This science of psychology course is a survey of multiple aspects of behavior and mental processes. It provides an overview of topics such as research methods, theoretical perspectives, learning, cognition, memory, motivation, emotions, personality, abnormal psychology, physiological factors, social influences, and development. Keywords: Psych, Intro to Psych

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® Introductory Psychology
  • AP Psychology

Understanding Substance Use (10550201)


Explore the bio-psych social dynamics of substance use. Examine treatment approaches, models, and screening criteria. Examine substances of abuse, history of SUDs, and their impact on the individual and society.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Foundations Of Case Management (10550202)


Introduction to case management techniques and processes. Incorporates intake assessment techniques, service planning techniques, referral processes, coordination of care, and discharge processes determined by a multidisciplinary team approach. Includes client self-determination and autonomy. Incorporates clinical documentation requirements and processes.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Group Facilitation (10550204)


An introduction to theory and practice of group dynamics and processes. Includes ethical considerations, effective group leadership, and stages of group development. Also includes demonstration of group facilitation skills, clinical documentation, co-facilitation strategies, reflective practitioner techniques, and group formation.


Student has completed all of the following course(s): SUDC 10550206 - Intro To Interviewing & Counse

NTC Assessments Offered:

Developmental Psychology (10809188)


Developmental Psychology is the study of human development throughout the lifespan. This course explores developmental theory and research with an emphasis on the interactive nature of the biological, cognitive and psychosocial changes that affect the individual from conception to death. Application activities and critical thinking skills will enable students to gain an increased knowledge and understanding of themselves and others. Keywords: Psych, Developmental Psych

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® Human Growth & Development

Overview Of Mental Health Disorders (10550203)


Provides an overview to the history, diagnosis, treatment strategies, legal and ethical considerations, and documentation of mental health conditions. Focus is on understanding the mental health conditions that co-occur with substance use disorders.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Introduction To Diversity Studies (10809172)


This course introduces the study of diversity from a local to a global perspective using a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that encourages exploration and prepares students to work in a diverse environment. The course introduces basic diversity concepts, examines the impact of bias and power differentials among groups, explores the use of culturally responsive communication strategies, and compares forces that shape diversity in an international context.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Professional Readiness (10520145)


Examine the personal characteristics which are valued in the workplace including: comprehending the importance of updating work skills, examining the need to personally adapt to the constantly changing workplace, exploring information about job opportunities and training seminars, developing skills essential for career success and advancement, evaluating the value of interpersonal communication, and determining how students can be active yet socially cognizant and responsible users of technology and social media. Apply reflective practitioner methods. Assess boundaries and ethical issues commonly found when working in the helping professions.

NOTE: This course should be taken the semester before Field Experience I and Clinical Experience I


Student has completed all of the following course(s): HUMAN 10520101 - Introduction To Human Services, SUDC 10550201 - Understanding Substance Use, SUDC 10550202 - Foundations Of Case Management, SUDC 10550204 - Group Facilitation, SUDC 10550206 - Intro To Interviewing & Counse, SUDC 10550210 - Boundaries & Ethics - Helping Professions

Introduction To The SUDC Profession (10550200)


Explore characteristics that are incorporated into substance use counseling and practice. Determine personal values, beliefs, strengths and weaknesses. Analyze the eight practice dimensions used to effectively treat substance use disorders: Clinical Evaluation; Treatment Planning; Referral; Service Coordination; Counseling; Patient, Family and Community Education; Documentation; and Professional and Ethical Responsibilities. Evaluate legal and ethical issues surrounding substance use counseling. Evaluate Information about Wisconsin licensing for substance use counseling.


Student has completed all of the following course(s): SUDC 10550201 - Understanding Substance Use

NTC Assessments Offered:
Industry Credentials Accepted:
  • SAC-IT License

Counseling Theory (10550205)


Summarize the history of, and explore the primary concepts within, the major approaches to counseling. Explore the empirical foundations of each theory. Examine application of theories to counseling. Review specific techniques of each theoretical approach. Examine the role of the counselor within each theoretical approach. Explore the role of the counselor, the scope of practice, and the ethical implications in counseling.

Psychopharmacology (10550207)


Overview of psychopharmacology including drug categorization history, drug categorization, and drug classification. Includes analysis of neurophysiology of the brain and endocrine system, effects of substances on the body, analysis of delivery systems, and analysis of medical aspects of SUDs. Also includes etiology of addiction, psychopharmacological aspects of withdrawal management, analysis of medications used to treat SUDs and mental health disorders, and SUD medical impacts on the body.


Student has completed all of the following course(s): SUDC 10550203 - Overview Of Mental Health Diso

NTC Assessments Offered:

SUDC Assessment, Diagnosis And Treatment (10550208)


Explore the core components of substance use disorder treatment. Apply the core practice dimensions of Substance Use Disorder Counseling. Evaluate process for SUD clients for the purpose of developing treatment plans and documenting the treatment process.


Student has completed all of the following course(s): SUDC 10550203 - Overview Of Mental Health Diso

NTC Assessments Offered:

Family Systems (10550209)


Provides a broad understanding of family systems theory and practice relevant to the human services field. Focus is on evaluating the communication and interaction patterns and applying interventions and strategies.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Clinical Experience I (10550211)


Immersive experience with an agency including supervised practice in the 12 core functions. Integrates the knowledge, theory, skills, and professional behaviors learned in the two previous semesters of coursework. Emphasis on gaining first-hand knowledge and refine previously acquired skills to gain a greater understanding of self and the helping professions.


Student has completed all of the following course(s): HUMAN 10520101 - Introduction To Human Services, SUDC 10550200 - Introduction To The SUDC Profe, SUDC 10550201 - Understanding Substance Use, SUDC 10550202 - Foundations Of Case Management, SUDC 10550203 - Overview Of Mental Health Diso, SUDC 10550204 - Group Facilitation, SUDC 10550206 - Intro To Interviewing & Counse, SUDC 10550207 - Psychopharmacology, SUDC 10550210 - Boundaries & Ethics - Helping Professions

NTC Assessments Offered:

Clinical Experience II (10550212)


Immersion experience with an agency including supervised practice in the 12 core functions. Integrates the knowledge, theory, skills, and professional behaviors learned in previous courses and refined in Clinical I immersion experience. Emphasis on applying previously acquired knowledge and skills and gaining a greater understanding of self and the helping professions through first-hand experience.


Student has completed all of the following course(s): SUDC 10550211 - Clinical Experience I

NTC Assessments Offered:

College Mathematics (10804107)


This course is designed to review and develop fundamental concepts of mathematics in the areas of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, measurement and data. Algebra topics emphasize simplifying algebraic expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities with one variable, solving proportions and percent applications. Geometry and trigonometry topics include; finding areas and volumes of geometric figures, applying similar and congruent triangles, applying Pythagorean Theorem, and solving right triangles using trigonometric ratios. Measurement topics emphasize the application of measurement concepts and conversion techniques within and between U.S. customary and metric system to solve problems. Data topics emphasize data organization and summarization skills, including: frequency distributions, central tendency, relative position and measures of dispersion. Special emphasis is placed on problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning, making connections, and using calculators.

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® College Mathematics

Crisis Intervention And Stress Management (10520143)


Explore techniques and approaches to crisis intervention and stress management for providers in the human services field. Determine strategies for initial intervention, diffusion and assessment, resolution and/or referral, with emphasis on safety. Explore physiological processes regarding the short and long term approach to stress. Determine secondary traumatization, burnout and remediation techniques. Evaluate critical incident debriefing. Assess boundaries and ethical issues commonly found with crisis intervention and stress management. Apply basic counseling techniques including motivational interviewing. Apply reflective practitioner methods.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Oral/interpersonal Communication (10801196)


Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication.  Keywords: Oral, Oral Comm, Comm, Speech

NTC Assessments Offered:

Speech (10801198)


Explores the fundamentals of effective oral presentation to small and large groups. Topic selection, audience analysis, methods of organization, research, supporting evidence, delivery techniques, active listening, and other essential elements of speaking successfully, form the basis of the course. Includes informative, persuasive, and occasion speech presentations. Audience requirements to be determined by individual colleges.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Test-Out Option Term Definitions


An exam that is scored by faculty or staff in NTC’s Testing Center.

Skill Demonstration

A performance of your expertise that is evaluated by faculty.

Combination: Test & Skill Demonstration

A combination of both a test and a skill demonstration.


A collection and explanation of your past learning through work or life experience.

Have Questions?

If you have questions about this program, please contact our Career Coaches at 715.803.1645.

If you have further questions regarding our Credit for Prior Learning options, please contact Student Records at or 715.803.1796.