The Band Saw Filer Certificate program is a hands-on intensive training that prepares learners for careers in the saw filing profession. In just 4 weeks, students will learn proven procedures to effectively bench, fit, and repair saws while learning to properly align band mills to increase saw longevity and sawing accuracy. Learners will practice these fundamental skills under the direction of our expert instructor utilizing NTC’s modern saw filing facility. *NTC offers the only accredited Band Saw Filing Certificate program in the United States.
Courses for this program may be available at a variety of campus locations through multiple modes of delivery if you meet the admission requirements and prerequisites.
* Campus and online availability of courses and programs may be subject to change.
Some of the potential careers graduates can pursue are:
The Band Saw Filer Certificate is a 8 Credit program. The following is a typical semester breakdown of the courses within the program.
* College 101 (10-890-165) is not part of the program credit requirements but is a College Requirement for graduation that must be passed with a “C” or better.
View All Detailed Course InformationSpring Session: March 25 – April 17, 2025
Mitch White is a nationally known saw filing expert with 45 years of experience and a diverse background encompassing both the softwood and hardwood sawmilling industries. Coming from a large family of saw filers, Mitch learned at an early age the critical benching and fitting techniques required to prepare and repair saws for multiple sawmills. After 30 years of working as a Head Saw Filer for various mills, Mitch joined SawPro Inc. as a Saw Filing Consultant and travels coast to coast and border to border training saw filers, setting-up saw filing rooms, and solving complex sawing related problems. Mitch has been heavily involved in the development of NTC’s new Band Saw Filer program and looks forward to sharing his knowledge and proven saw filing techniques with program students to develop the next generation of Saw Filers.
This program is housed in the Wood Technology Center of Excellence, a one-of-a-kind, 27,000 square foot facility dedicated to preparing students for careers in the forest products and woodworking industry.