This specialized course is designed for the emergency rescue personnel and K9 handler that would respond to canine emergencies in the field. This course includes practical classroom style education as well as hands-on instruction, demonstrations and scenario specific training using live, Trauma Fx simulator K9 Valor, model and cadaver dogs.

This course will cover topics such as:

Physical Examination and handling of the healthy and injured K9Wound Care: facial lacerations, eye & paw injuries, Immobilization/Bandaging Triage, shock, pain, heat stroke, CPR - RECOVER BLS & ALS /scenario drills, Introduction to Hemorrhage control, Oxygen administration, Naloxone administration, Major trauma overview, Illicit drug exposure in the working K9, Toxicology, Intubation (cadaver), Hemorrhage control, IV catheters and fluid resuscitation as well as intraosseous catheter placement (cadaver), Recognizing pneumothorax, needle decompression, and chest tube placement (cadaver), Gastric dilation volvulus (bloat) management in the field including trocarization (cadaver), and Review of First Aid kits and recommendation of supplies.

Registration: $139 - lunch included

This training will be instructed by:

OpK9The Operational K9 Medical Team of Wisconsin was founded in 2020 by Dr. Lisa Converse, Lyn Schuh CVT, & Kris Eggleston CVT.  

Along with the assistance of Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians, and various members from the Human Medical Community around the State of WI, they have been educating K9 handlers across the State of Wisconsin on point of injury/pre hospitalization medical care for their K9 partners for over a decade. 


Cancellation Policy

An attendee must notify NTC of a cancellation prior to the beginning of the event in order to have fees removed or a refund issued. Attendees who do not attend without notifying Continuing Education will be responsible for payment of all course fees and will not be eligible for a refund


Registration Coming Soon!