At NTC, we are proud to offer education and training for veterans, service members, and qualified family members. Our goal in the Veteran Services Department is to share resources and assist with veteran education benefits to help you succeed while you are here as well as after graduation.
Internal Services
Internal Services
At NTC, we are proud to offer education and training for veterans, service members, and qualified family members. Our goal in Veteran Services is to share resources and assist with veteran education benefits to help you succeed while you are here as well
Getting Started With Benefits
Getting Started With Benefits
Initial VA benefit consultation with the Veterans Certifying Official can be set up by calling 715-803-1252. Please bring in military documents such as the DD214(s), NOBE, Kicker, etc.
Policies and Guidelines For Veterans
Policies and Guidelines For Veterans
The law requires that educational assistance benefits to Veterans and other eligible persons be discontinued when the student ceases to make satisfactory progress toward completion of his or her training objective.
Resources & Contacts
Resources & Contacts
We’ve compiled a handy list of planning tools and links to give you all the information needed to make a decision.