The Wood Science Associate Degree is a 64 Credit program. The following is a typical semester breakdown of the courses within the program.

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College 101 (10890165)


Examines proven strategies designed to help learners achieve greater personal, academic, and professional success. Learners will apply personal responsibility thinking and behaviors; self- management, awareness, and motivation strategies; as well as interdependence skills to develop a proactive life plan.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Fundamentals Of Furniture Manufacturing (10465119)


This course is designed to provide the foundational knowledge and skills to manufacture furniture. Topics covered include: furniture design styles, sourcing raw material for projects, tool selection, machine operation, joinery and furniture construction.


Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Basic Wood Manufacturing, Wood Science, Wood Technology

Lumber Manufacturing: Sawing, Edging & Trimming (10465178)


Explores the general overview of plant layout, machine centers, and different product flow in a lumber manufacturing setting.  Learners focus on the mix of species, and how these can be utilized in various product lines, and examine the processing of lumber through sawing, edging, and trimming manufacturing operations.


Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Basic Wood Manufacturing, Wood Industry: Mill Technology, Wood Science, Wood Technology

Intro to Hardwood Grading (10465179)


Expands of the skills previously introduced through the use of more advanced standard grade classifications and methods.  Learners build additional experience in the grading of hardwood lumber and logs and enhance their merchandising knowledge and understanding with emphasis on hands-on exercises and techniques.


Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Basic Wood Manufacturing, Hardwood Sawmilling, Wood Industry: Mill Technology, Wood Science, Wood Technology

Hardwood Lumber Grading And Merchandising (10465180)


Expands of the skills previously introduced through the use of more advanced standard grade classifications and methods.  Learners build additional experience in the grading of hardwood lumber and logs and enhance their merchandising knowledge and understanding with emphasis on hands-on exercises and techniques.


Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Basic Wood Manufacturing, Hardwood Sawmilling, Wood Science, Wood Technology

Introduction to Forest Products (10465183)


Explores the entire forest products supply-chain including sectors, current trends, career paths, and environments related to wood manufacturing. Establishes the importance of health and safety practices in the industry and introduces learners to various hazards they will encounter across industry, including sawmills, wood shops, and industrial settings. Learners will develop basic knowledge of OSHA, mills and shops in the forest products industry, and will have the opportunity to earn an NTC Forklift Operator Certificate.


Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Wood Industry: Primary Manufacturing, Wood Industry: Secondary Manufacturing, Wood Science, Wood Technology

Wood Species Identification (10465185)


Prepares learners to identify wood species and develops knowledge on the applications for different woods.  Learners will explore these concepts via hands-on experience, and establish basic understanding of wood cell types, identification characteristics, and material features. 


Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Furniture Design and Craftsmanship, Wood Industry: Primary Manufacturing, Wood Industry: Secondary Manufacturing, Wood Science, Wood Technology

College Mathematics (10804107)


This course is designed to review and develop fundamental concepts of mathematics in the areas of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, measurement and data. Algebra topics emphasize simplifying algebraic expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities with one variable, solving proportions and percent applications. Geometry and trigonometry topics include; finding areas and volumes of geometric figures, applying similar and congruent triangles, applying Pythagorean Theorem, and solving right triangles using trigonometric ratios. Measurement topics emphasize the application of measurement concepts and conversion techniques within and between U.S. customary and metric system to solve problems. Data topics emphasize data organization and summarization skills, including: frequency distributions, central tendency, relative position and measures of dispersion. Special emphasis is placed on problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning, making connections, and using calculators.

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® College Mathematics

Wood Veneer, Panels & Composites (10465177)


Establishes the breakdown of logs into veneers, panels and wood composites. Learners identify and explore the basic breakdown processes, uses of these different material types, and their various applications in the woods and manufacturing industries.


Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Basic Wood Manufacturing, Wood Science, Wood Technology

Intro To Kiln Drying (10465181)


Introduces participants to the fundamentals of kiln drying lumber. The basics of determining moisture content, preparing samples and operating a dry kiln will be covered as well as an overview of different types of dry kiln equipment.

Drying Science Of Wood (10465182)


Explores the full process of drying wood, including wood structure, the full relationship between different environmental variables, and developing kiln operating schedules.  Learners also examine all stages of drying, how to prevent the material degradation, air drying, and steaming. 


Student has completed all of the following course(s): WOODTECH 10465100 - Wood Science & Technology

Sawmill Safety & Maintenance (10465184)


Builds on the safety and sawmill knowledge from previous classes to provide learners with more in-depth working knowledge of sawmills and their related hazards. Examines the need for regular preventive and essential maintenance of equipment, tools, and blades, and the safety challenges related to each, including where maintenance fails. Prepares students to prevent injuries, fatalities and break-downs in a mill environment within a safe and secure dedicated learning facility.

Mill Operations Overview (10465186)


Explores the hierarchy of the forest products industry structure as it relates to sawmill production facilities.  Learners will examine best practices and key performance indicators and apply these concepts in a live mill environment.  Topics that learners will focus on include lumber yield, grade proficiency, optimization of production flow, and downtime mitigation. 

Oral/interpersonal Communication (10801196)


Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication.  Keywords: Oral, Oral Comm, Comm, Speech

NTC Assessments Offered:

Written Communication (10801195)


Develops writing skills which include prewriting, drafting, revising and editing. A variety of writing assignments are designed to help the learner analyze audience and purpose, research and organize ideas and format and design documents based on subject matter and content. Also develops critical reading and thinking skills through the analysis of a variety of written documents. Keywords: Written Comm, Comm, Writing

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® College Composition
  • AP English Language & Composition

English Composition 1 (10801136)


Learners develop and apply skills in all aspects of the writing process. Through a variety of learning activities and written documents, learners employ rhetorical strategies, plan, organize and revise content, apply critical reading strategies, locate and evaluate information, integrate and document sources, and apply standardized English language conventions.Keywords:English Comp, Comp 1, E Com, English 1, English

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® College Composition
  • AP English Language & Composition

Sustainable Biomaterials & Energy (10465102)


Examines the use of sustainable biomaterials to meet society's needs and to reduce environmental impact. Specific topics include sourcing mill residuals, biomass for bioenergy, biomass processing systems, renewable and non-renewable material and energy sources, and carbon impacts of wood products.


Student has completed all of the following course(s): WOODTECH 10465182 - Drying Science Of Wood

NTC Assessments Offered:

Advanced Furniture Craftsmanship (10465162)


Build on skills and knowledge gained in previous course work to design and build a custom furniture project. Learners will be introduced to advanced design principles to generate sketches and a cut list for their piece. Advanced joinery, fixturing, and woodworking tool operation will also be explored in this course.


Student has completed all of the following course(s): ARCHITEC 10614188 - Sketchup For Furniture Design, WOODTECH 10465119 - Fundamentals Of Furniture Mfg

Design Innovation in Wood Products (10465196)


Allows the learner to demonstrate the ability to solve a design problem using materials and information learned in all other Wood Processes classes. A team comprised of fellow classmates will determine a design problem, research solutions, design the product, machine or equipment required to solve the problem, establish a budget for building a prototype and then build a proof-of-concept prototype. Documents and skills required to present expertise to potential employers will be developed.


Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): WOODTECH 10465102 - Sustainable Biomaterial&Energy with grade greater than or equal to C (Post Secondary Grading Scheme).] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci: Wood Science]

Wood Industry: Marketing & Sales (10465197)


Learners develop a foundational knowledge of the four P’s of marketing and sales transactions. In todays competitive business environment sales and marketing techniques are critical business functions that utilize a variety of activities to identify customer needs and wants. Students will learn how to apply these concepts to an ever-changing wood products industry. Specific topics include identifying target markets, observing current market trends, calculating profitable transactions and effectively building customer relationships.

Intro To Sociology (10809196)


Introduces students to the fundamental sociological concepts, including sociological perspectives, research methods, the significance of culture in society, and the socialization process. Other topics include deviance, the impact of groups on behavior, societal inequities, global changes, the role of social institutions, and social stratification

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® Introductory Sociology

Microeconomics (10809143)


Examines the behavior of individual decision makers, primarily consumers and firms. Topics include choices of how much to consume and to produce, the functioning of perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets, the conditions under which markets may fail, and arguments for and against government intervention. The student applies the fundamental tools of economics to real world problems.

Psychology Of Human Relations (10809199)


Explores the relationship between the general principles of psychology and our everyday lives. Students are given the opportunity to achieve a deepened sense of awareness of themselves and others. This understanding enables students to improve their relationships with others at work, in the family and in society. Keywords: Psych, Relationships, Human Relations, Hr psych

NTC Assessments Offered:

Intro To Psychology (10809198)


This science of psychology course is a survey of multiple aspects of behavior and mental processes. It provides an overview of topics such as research methods, theoretical perspectives, learning, cognition, memory, motivation, emotions, personality, abnormal psychology, physiological factors, social influences, and development. Keywords: Psych, Intro to Psych

NTC Assessments Offered:
National Exams Accepted:
  • CLEP® Introductory Psychology
  • AP Psychology

Test-Out Option Term Definitions


An exam that is scored by faculty or staff in NTC’s Testing Center.

Skill Demonstration

A performance of your expertise that is evaluated by faculty.

Combination: Test & Skill Demonstration

A combination of both a test and a skill demonstration.


A collection and explanation of your past learning through work or life experience.

Have Questions?

If you have questions about this program, please contact our Career Coaches at 715.803.1645.

If you have further questions regarding our Credit for Prior Learning options, please contact Student Records at or 715.803.1796.