The Medical Coding Specialist Technical Diploma is a 29–30 credit program. The following is a typical semester breakdown of the courses within the program.

Please note: This program is subject to the Clock-to-Credit Hour Conversion and some courses listed will not be eligible for full financial aid funding based on the program’s credit hours.

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Credit for Prior Learning Available

Medical Terminology (10501101)


Focuses on the component parts of medical terms: prefixes, suffixes and word roots. Students practice formation, analysis and reconstruction of terms. Emphasis on spelling, definition and pronunciation. Introduction to operative, diagnostic, therapeutic and symptomatic terminology of all body systems, as well as systemic and surgical terminology.

NTC Assessments Offered:

Gen Anatomy & Physiology (10806177)


Examines basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology as they relate to health sciences. Using a body systems approach, the course emphasizes the interrelationships between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization. Intended to prepare health care professionals who need to apply basic concepts of anatomy and physiology to informed decision-making and professional communication in the clinical setting.Student is highly recommended to have completed two semesters of high school chemistry or one semester of college chemistry with a "C" or better. All third attempts for enrollment require Dean/Assoc. Dean approval.Keywords:General, General Anatomy, General Anatomy and Physiology, General Anatomy & Physiology

NTC Assessments Offered:

Body, Structure & Function (10806110)


Introduces structures and functions of normal human anatomy using a body systems approach. Learners will have the opportunity to demonstrate competency of select course objectives with the online simulated laboratory software. Provides a flexible, online introduction to the concepts of General Anatomy and Physiology. Keywords: BSF, Body, Body Structure, Function

Human Diseases For Hlth Profes (10530182)


Prepares learners to interpret clinical documentation that they will encounter in a variety of healthcare settings. Emphasis is placed on understanding the common disorders and diseases of each body system to include the etiology (cause), signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests and results, and medical treatments and surgical procedures.


Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): HLTH 10501101 - Medical Terminology] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing any of the following course(s): SCIENCE 10806110 - Body, Structure & Function, SCIENCE 10806177 - Gen Anatomy & Physiology]

NTC Assessments Offered:

Digital Literacy For Healthcare (10501107)


Focuses on the use of technology in healthcare. Learners use common business software applications, including word processing, presentation, spreadsheet, and databases. Communication methods using technology are addressed. Learners gain experience with using the electronic health record (EHR). Healthcare EHR security issues, social media use, and digital healthcare resources are examined.

NTC Assessments Offered:

College 101 (10890165)


Examines proven strategies designed to help learners achieve greater personal, academic, and professional success. Learners will apply personal responsibility thinking and behaviors; self- management, awareness, and motivation strategies; as well as interdependence skills to develop a proactive life plan.

NTC Assessments Offered:

ICD Diagnosis Coding (10530197)


Prepares students to assign ICD diagnosis codes supported by medical documentation with entry level proficiency. Students apply instructional notations, conventions, rules and official coding guidelines when assigning ICD diagnosis codes to case studies and actual medical record documentation.


Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): HLTH 10501101 - Medical Terminology, MEDREC 10530162 - Foundations Of HIM, MEDREC 10530182 - Human Diseases For Hlth Profes] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing any of the following course(s): SCIENCE 10806110 - Body, Structure & Function, SCIENCE 10806177 - Gen Anatomy & Physiology]

NTC Assessments Offered:

CPT Coding (10530184)


Prepares learners to assign CPT codes, supported by medical documentation, with entry-level proficiency. Learners apply CPT instructional notations, conventions, rules and official coding guidelines when assigning CPT codes to case studies and actual medical record documentation.


Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing any of the following course(s): SCIENCE 10806110 - Body, Structure & Function, SCIENCE 10806177 - Gen Anatomy & Physiology] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): HLTH 10501101 - Medical Terminology, MEDREC 10530182 - Human Diseases For Hlth Profes] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing any of the following course(s): MEDREC 10530162 - Foundations Of HIM, MEDREC 10530181 - Intro To The Health Record with grade greater than or equal to C (Post Secondary Grading Scheme).]

NTC Assessments Offered:

Foundations Of HIM (10530162)


Introduces learners to the healthcare delivery system, focusing on the various types of healthcare organizations, the roles, responsibilities and interrelationships of healthcare providers and professionals, and the external forces that influence healthcare delivery. Sets an understanding for the expectations and standards related to professional ethics, confidentiality and security of health information. Differentiates the use and structure of healthcare data elements, data standards, and the relationships between them to facilitate primary and secondary record systems, and health information processing. Prepares learners to collect and maintain health data to ensure a complete and accurate health record, according to organizational policies, external regulations and standards.


Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): HLTH 10501107 - Digital Literacy For Healthcar

NTC Assessments Offered:

ICD Procedure Coding (10530199)


Prepares students to assign ICD procedure codes supported by medical documentation with entry-level proficiency. Students apply instructional notations, conventions, rules and official coding guidelines when assigning ICD procedure codes to case studies and actual medical record documentation.


Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): HLTH 10501101 - Medical Terminology, MEDREC 10530162 - Foundations Of HIM, MEDREC 10530182 - Human Diseases For Hlth Profes] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing any of the following course(s): SCIENCE 10806110 - Body, Structure & Function, SCIENCE 10806177 - Gen Anatomy & Physiology]

NTC Assessments Offered:

Healthcare Revenue Management (10530159)


Prepares learners to compare and contrast health care payers, illustrate the reimbursement cycle, and to comply with regulations related to fraud and abuse. Learners assign payment classifications with entry level proficiency using computerized encoding and grouping software.


Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): MEDREC 10530162 - Foundations Of HIM, MEDREC 10530184 - CPT Coding, MEDREC 10530197 - ICD Diagnosis Coding, MEDREC 10530199 - ICD Procedure Coding

Intermediate Coding (10530165)


Prepares students to assign ICD and CPT/HCPCS codes supported by medical documentation and official coding guidance to support appropriate reimbursement. Students will participate in CDI activities, including preparation of appropriate physician queries in accordance with compliance guidelines.


Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s): MEDREC 10530184 - CPT Coding, MEDREC 10530197 - ICD Diagnosis Coding, MEDREC 10530199 - ICD Procedure Coding] And Student has satisfied all of the following: [Student has completed or is in process of completing any of the following course(s): MEDREC 10530159 - Healthcare Revenue Management, MEDREC 10530185 - Healthcare Reimbursement]

Test-Out Option Term Definitions


An exam that is scored by faculty or staff in NTC’s Testing Center.

Skill Demonstration

A performance of your expertise that is evaluated by faculty.

Combination: Test & Skill Demonstration

A combination of both a test and a skill demonstration.


A collection and explanation of your past learning through work or life experience.

Have Questions?

If you have questions about this program, please contact our Career Coaches at 715.803.1645.

If you have further questions regarding our Credit for Prior Learning options, please contact Student Records at or 715.803.1796.